Inferno Trading Inc.

Industry-leading Algorithmic Trading Bots for Interactive Brokers

Discover expert-rated algorithmic trading bots with performance backed by peer-reviewed journals

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Hi - I'm Inferno. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering. You are probably wondering, how did somebody who studied electrical engineering come to designing software for the finance industry? When the reality is that electrical engineering is the study of signals. Whether that is an electrical signal, such as a voltage, or an financial signal, such as a stock ticker is irrelevant; the mathematics is the same!


Consistent monthly returns!

Limited drawdown!

Consistent monthly returns!

Limited drawdown!

Are you tired of the same SMALL 4-8% market returns offered by most advisors that BARELY match inflation?

The problem with investing with an advisor is that they take a large portion of your returns. You offer a person money just so that they can scrape a substantial portion of the gains away.

If one were to try to invest on their own, they find that it is hard to keep track of market conditions and deploy expert market strategies while juggling potentially a fulltime job. There is no way to win!

In comes Inferno Trading Inc.!

With industry standard algorithmic trading bots, one is able to trade using tried and true methods without the manual labor involved in designing and implementing them oneself.

The trick is to trade using trading bots with peer-reviewed proven results!

How many times have you heard "look at my ultra cool crypto bot" or "make thousands in passive income while waking up at 3PM".

The reality is that trading on the stock market successfully is very speculative and quite challenging. When someone makes dubious claims like they make "+50% returns monthly" consistently they are most definitely lying.

In reality even the most best hedge funds, Renaissance Technologies being one of them, only have a consistent return rate of about 40% yearly.

In addition to this, nearly all trading bots on the market are either for Forex (currencies) or crpyto. And to make things even more laughable, almost all are run through software that operates on exchanges in places like the Cayman Island.

At Inferno Trading we only make bots for stocks on the reliable brokerage Interactive Brokers.


  • Lack of time
  • Investing with an advisor that takes a substantial cut
  • Falling for get rich quick schemes
  • Ignorance in the market and potential tools
Ask yourself

What is the potential long-term earnings with a genuinely consistent Algorithmic Trading Bot?

The papers for the bots demonstrate consistent results over long periods of time.

To demonstrate, with a consistent return of 20% over 20 years with an initial investment of $20,000, one will end up with upwards of close to $800, 000!

All bots are back-tested to justify results.

Basic Plan

  • GUI to Manage Traders
  • Passive Aggressive Mean Reversion Bot
  • Black-Scholes-Merton Indicator

Pro Plan

  • GUI to Manage Traders
  • Passive Aggressive Mean Reversion Bot
  • Black-Scholes-Merton Indicator
  • Universal Trader
  • Anticorrelation Algorithm Trader
  • Exponential Gradient Trader
  • BNN

Premium Plan

You pay $99.95 today
  • GUI to Manage Traders
  • Passive Aggressive Mean Reversion Bot
  • Black-Scholes-Merton Indicator
  • Universal Trader
  • Anticorrelation Algorithm Trader
  • Exponential Gradient Trader
  • BNN
  • Access to Private Discord
  • Weekly 1h Coaching Session
"The trading strategy developed by the famous Thomas Cover"

Universal Trader

Universal Trader, introduced in the paper titled "Universal Portfolios," is a pioneering algorithmic trading strategy in the field of computational finance

The Universal Portfolio is notable for its theoretical underpinnings in machine learning and its ability to achieve remarkable performance in a competitive setting

Universal Portfolio is a portfolio optimization strategy that aims to achieve superior wealth accumulation compared to other investment strategies over time

After observing the relative performance of assets, the portfolio is rebalanced to allocate more capital to assets that have performed well in the past, and less to underperforming assets

"The most unique mean reverting bot"

Passive Aggressive Mean Reversion Trader

This bot relies on the mean reversion aspect of financial markets.

Leveraging an online passive-aggressive learning technique, the portfolio selection strategy effectively capitalizes on the mean reversion property in markets.

It is observed that the strategy adeptly balances between portfolio return and volatility risk, aligning with mean reversion trading principles.

The results are promising, indicating that in most scenarios, the PAMR strategy surpasses benchmark portfolios and nearly all cutting-edge portfolio selection strategies based on diverse performance metrics.

"A very consistent mean reverting bot"

Anticorrelation Algorithm Trader

The anticorrelation trading algorithm is designed to capitalize on the inverse relationship or negative correlation between certain assets or market factors.

The key idea is to identify pairs of assets that tend to move in opposite directions—when one asset goes up, the other typically goes down, and vice versa.

"A bot based on linear regression principles"

Exponential Gradient Trader

The exponential gradient portfolio trading strategy, developed by David P. Helmbold and his colleagues, is a technique aimed at optimizing investment portfolios using online learning principles.

The portfolio weights are updated in an exponential manner based on the observed returns of the assets.

A bot based on machine learning


BNN Trading Bot leverages advanced portfolio optimization and market analysis to maximize your investment returns. Designed for both novice and experienced traders, our bot utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to make informed trading decisions, ensuring efficient and profitable outcomes.


Have questions?

That makes perfect sense. Even though trading bots are there to make ones trading experience a lot easier, there are still details that one should be aware about.

Here is a list of common questions that I have heard. If you don't see one in the list please join the discord and don't be afraid to ask.

Inferno Trading Inc. bots can be used only with Interactive Brokers' brokerage.

The bots work as a console application that communicates directly with Interactive Brokers' Trader Workstation to execute trades at specific times. The portfolio can be adjusted using a specific config file to choose the securities you want to trade on customizable markets

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